Open registration for attending to “Workshop on Terrestrial Proximal Sensing for Forest Applications”

The deadline for registration is August 22, 2021.

Open registration for attending to “Workshop on Terrestrial Proximal Sensing for Forest Applications”

Registration is now open for attending to the Workshop on Terrestrial Proximal Sensing for Forest Applications, which will take place at the Escuela Politécnica Superior de Ingeniería (EPSE) of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Lugo, Spain) from 1st to 3rd September 2021.

The deadline for registration is August 22, 2021, and it consists of the fulfilment of the following form. The registration will be free and mandatory for all participants, regardless of whether they will attend in person or online, or whether they will participate with a communication or as attendees.

Due to the limitations for the presence derived from the COVID-19 established by the Health Authorities, and to the possible changes on the same that could occur on the dates of the realization of the event, the reservation of place for the attendance to the face-to-face parts of the workshop will be made in the same order of registration. Registration for the face-to-face activities of the speakers of oral communications and posters will be guaranteed.

In the case of having to reduce capacity due to situations of a health nature, and whenever this reduction means limiting access to face-to-face activities to any of the attendees who have already been notified of the confirmation of a place, the order of priority to be followed will be as follows: 1) communication speakers (oral presentations and posters) , 2) non-speakers who have incurred non-refundable expenses derived from the attendance at the workshop, 3) doctoral students, 4) students and graduates of forestry and natural environment degrees, geomatics, agronomy, biology and other degrees related to the theme of the Workshop, 5) other interested participants.

Download the first workshop announcement and link to registration form

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