Research projectsCod., tit.: TED2021-129451B-C43, Short and long-term post-fire management effects on Iberian Forest multifunctionality after wildfires. Ecological restoration of wildfire affected forest in Northwest Spain FIRESTORM-NW.
Fin.: State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2021-2023, Projects for Ecological and Digital Transition. State Research Agency
Part.: University of Castilla La Mancha, Forest Research Centre of Lourizán (AGACAL), INIA (CSIC), Mediterranean Center for Environmental Studies-CEAM, USC
Dur.: 1/12/2022-30/11/2024
A.: 112,240€
P.I.: Fernández Filgueira, C. (CIF Lourizán)
Part. UXAFORES: Álvarez González, J.G., Ruiz González, A.D.