Research projects directed

Actividades formativas no regladas y de divulgación que impulsen el conocimiento, la competitividad y la innovación de la industria forestal de Galicia

Research projects

Cod., tit.: IN501A-2023-013, Unregulated training activities and dissemination activities that promote knowledge, competitiveness, and innovation in the Galician forestry industry
Fin: Grants for organizing unregulated training activities and dissemination activities that promote knowledge, competitiveness and innovation in the Galician forestry industry
Dur.: 01/01/2023-31/10/2023
Part. UXAFORES: Feijoó Lombao, M. B.; Guaita Fernández, M.; Lorenzana Fernández, J. A.; Portela Barral, M.

Consolidación 2022 GRC GI-1837- Unidad de Gestión Ambiental y Forestal Sostenible (UXAFORES)

Research projects

Cod., tit.: EDC431C 2022/28, Consolidating 2022 GRC GI-1837 Unit for Sustainable Environmental and Forest Management (UXAFORES)

Fin.: Grants for Consolidating and Structuring Competitive Research Units, modality Competitive Reference Research Group. Galician Regional Government
Dur.: 01/01/2022- 31/12/2025
A.: 400,000€
P.I.: Álvarez Rodríguez, E.

Plantando cara al fuego 2

Research projects

Cod., tit.: FCT-20-16729, Facing fire 2

Fin.: Actions to promote scientific, technological and innovation culture and education. FECYT- The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (Ministry of Science and Innovation)
Part.: USC, INIA, UCLM, UCO, Agresta, Forest Research Centre of Lourizán, Galician Regional Government, IIAG (CSIC), IESTNT
Dur.: 2022-2023
A.: 31,000€
P.I: Merino García, Agustín
Part. UXAFORES: Omil Ignacio, B., Ruiz González, A.D.


Research projects

Cod., tit.: FEADER 2022/024B, Development of elicitors of defense in country chestnut (GO DELICAS)

Fin: Grants projects conducted by EIP-Agri Operational Groups. Galician Regional Government cofunded by EAFRD
Part.: Empresa de Transformación Agraria SA (Coord.), BOIBEL FORESTAL SL, HIFAS FORESTAL S.L., USC, IXP Castaña de Galicia
Dur: 2022-2024
A.: 84,801.56€
I.P. (USC): Lombardero Diaz, M.J.


Research projects

Cod., tit.: FEADER 2022/048B, Increasing mycological production in Galician pine forests COGOMELOS+

Fin: projects conducted by EIP-Agri Operational Groups. Galician Regional Government cofunded by EAFRD
Dur: 2022-2024
A.: 54,640€
P.I. (USC): Rodríguez Soalleiro, R.
Part. UXAFORES: Álvarez González, J.G., Álvarez Rodríguez, E., Barreiro Buján, A.I., Fernández Marcos, M.L., Fernández Sanjurjo, M.J., Núñez Delgado. A., Rojo Alboreca, A.

Problemas ambientales del uso de antibióticos ionóforos en producción animal: Diagnóstico, adsorción-desorción, efecto sobre los microorganismos y control con bioadsorbentes

Research projects
Problemas ambientales del uso de antibióticos ionóforos en producción animal: Diagnóstico, adsorción-desorción, efecto sobre los microorganismos y control con bioadsorbentes

Cod., tit.: PID2021-122920OB-C21, Environmental problems related to use of ionophore antibiotics in animal production: Diagnosis, sorption-desorption, effects on microorganisms, and control by bioadsorbents COCCISORBNAN
Fin.: State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2021-2023, Projects for Knowledge Generation. State Research Agency
Part.: USC, University of Jaén
Dur.: 2022-2024
A.: 217,800€
P.I: Álvarez Rodríguez, E.
Part. UXAFORES: Núñez Delgado, A.; Fernández Sanjurjo, M.J.; Barreiro Buján, A.I.; Cela Dablanca, R.


Research projects

Cod., tit.: PID2021-126349OB-C21, Agri-food waste valorization as organic fertilizers to overcome the environmental and socioeconomics challenges of the dairy sector in Northern Spain (AGRORES)

Fin.: State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2021-2023, Projects for Knowledge Generation. State Research Agency
Part.: USC, CSIC-Sevilla, Depuración de Aguas del Mediterráneo, S.L., Galician Regional Government, University of Venecia (Italy), University of Innsbruck (Austria)
Dur.: 2022-2025
A.: 96,800€
P.I: Merino García, A.
Part. UXAFORES: Moreno Robles, A., Souza Alonso, P.

Web site: agrores-agromanure

Consolidación y estructuración 2018 GRC GI-1837 Unidade de Xestión Forestal Sostible (UXFS)

Research projects
Consolidación y estructuración 2018 GRC GI-1837 Unidade de Xestión Forestal Sostible (UXFS)

Cod., tit.: ED431C 2018/07, Consolidating and Structuring 2018 GRC GI-1837 Sustainable Forest Management Unit (UXFS)

Fin.: Grants for Consolidating and Structuring Competitive Research Units. Galician Regional Government
Dur.: 01/01/2019- 31/12/2021
A.: 400,000€
P.I.: Rodríguez Soalleiro, Roque

Infraestructura para la investigación y desarrollo de nuevos productos laminados de madera estructural

Research projects

Cod., tit.: EQC2018-004773-P, Infrastructure for the research and development of laminated wood-based materials

Fin.: State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2017-2020, Line of acquisition and improvement of infrastructures and scientific and technological equipment 2018. State Research Agency-AEI, Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Spanish Government) co-financied by the ERDF
Dur.: 2019
C.: 517.688,00 €
I.P.: Guaita Fernández, Manuel

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