
Facing Fire: A Service-learning approach to improve training and awareness on soil conservation after wildfires

Participation in congresses and scientific meetings

Souza Alonso, P., Omil Ignacio, B., Moya, D., García- Romero, D., Otero-Urtaza, E., Lorenzo Moledo, M., Reyes, O., Molina, J.R., Madrigal, J., Merino, A. 2024. Facing Fire: A Service-learning approach to improve training and awareness on soil conservation after wildfires. (Oral). Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences. Florence (Italy), 19-21/05/2024
In: Abstract book Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences ID ABS WEB: 136626

Service-learning to improve training, knowledge transfer, and awareness in forest fire management

Papers published in Research Journals included in the JCR or SJR

Souza-Alonso, P., Omil Ignacio, B. Sotelino, A., García‑Romero, D., Otero‑Urtaza, E., Lorenzo Moledo, M., Reyes, O., Rodríguez, J.C., Madrigal, J., Moya, D., Molina, J.R., Rodriguez y Silva, F., Merino, A. 2024. Service-learning to improve training, knowledge transfer, and awareness in forest fire management. Fire Ecology 20(1), 19. DOI: 10.1186/s42408-023-00226-y

Actividades formativas no regladas y de divulgación que impulsen el conocimiento, la competitividad y la innovación de la industria forestal de Galicia

Research projects

Cod., tit.: IN501A-2023-013, Unregulated training activities and dissemination activities that promote knowledge, competitiveness, and innovation in the Galician forestry industry
Fin: Grants for organizing unregulated training activities and dissemination activities that promote knowledge, competitiveness and innovation in the Galician forestry industry
Dur.: 01/01/2023-31/10/2023
Part. UXAFORES: Feijoó Lombao, M. B.; Guaita Fernández, M.; Lorenzana Fernández, J. A.; Portela Barral, M.

When necessity meets opportunity: the role of Service-Learning projects to complement training, community engagement and knowledge transfer in restoration

Papers published in Research Journals included in the JCR or SJR

Souza-Alonso, P., García-Romero, D., Lorenzo Moledo, M., Merino, A. 2023. When necessity meets opportunity: the role of Service-Learning projects to complement training, community engagement and knowledge transfer in restoration. Restoration ecology 31(7), e13933. DOI: 10.1111/rec.13933

Plantando cara ao lume: formación, transferencia e concienciación sobre incendios forestais

Books and book chapters

Souza-Alonso, P., Omil, B., Sotelino Losada, A., Otero Urtaza, E.M., Lorenzo Moledo, M.M., Reyes Ferreira, O., Rodríguez García, J.C., Madrigal, J., Moya Navarro, J.R., Merino García, A. 2023. Plantando cara ao lume: formación, transferencia e concienciación sobre incendios forestais
In: Vázquez-Silva, I., García- Romero D., Fernández Brage, N.; (Eds). Arredor do rural-Comunidade de saberes e innovación socio-educativa. Editorial Toxosoutos. ISBN: 9788412748901

Plantando cara al fuego 2

Research projects

Cod., tit.: FCT-20-16729, Facing fire 2

Fin.: Actions to promote scientific, technological and innovation culture and education. FECYT- The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (Ministry of Science and Innovation)
Part.: USC, INIA, UCLM, UCO, Agresta, Forest Research Centre of Lourizán, Galician Regional Government, IIAG (CSIC), IESTNT
Dur.: 2022-2023
A.: 31,000€
P.I: Merino García, Agustín
Part. UXAFORES: Omil Ignacio, B., Ruiz González, A.D.

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